
Companies are required to update the companies register with any address changes. Update company address details online for free.

Before you begin

To update or maintain any company details with the Company Haus:

1.    You will need to be logged on as a registered user of the website
2.    And have Company Authority for the company.

Step 1 – Locate the company to update

From the Online Services – Do It Now menu choose Update Company Details then Company Addresses.

Find the company by entering some search criteria (for example, either the company name or the company number).

From the Search Results select the company to update.

Step 2

Click on the Addresses tab then choose the Update Details button (insert screenshot).

What addresses do you need to update?

A range of information is held for each company on the companies register.  Included are a number of addresses for each company including –

  • the registered office address,
  • postal address, and
  • an address for communication.

As these address details change, the changes must also be recorded on the register.

Key points to note

  • Confirm what date the change will take place.
  • Ensure you have full details of the address to be updated before you go online to record the update.

It is FREE to update company addresses with Company Haus.